Building Code Updates
I'm writing today to elicit input from local design and construction industry stakeholders regarding Monday's Planning Commission meeting...
Character District Comments
I recommend the following changes to the Proposed Character Districts: Complete Neighborhood Areas of Transition Bullet point 1: Areas...
Contradiction and Reconciliation
I see two overarching contradictions between the policies outlined throughout the Revised Comprehensive Plan and the directives the Joint...
Climate Sustainability
First off I would like to express my support for Commissioner McCarthy’s comments and recommendations, which are themselves based on the...
Strategies to Provide for a Strong, Stable, Diverse and Balanced Economy
Green Resort/ Eco-Tourism: promote these goals in addition to our outdoor recreation, wildlife, scenic resources and accessibility to...
Comments on Responsible Growth Management
PD Comments in RED. This is a markup of a County Planning Department Draft Policy document. Policy 2.1c Allow density bonuses in order to...
Workforce Housing Initiatives
The following suggestions elaborate upon County Planning Commission principle #18, “ Place more emphasis on Principal 4.3 and the idea of...
ARU's & Affordable Housing Easement
Auxiliary residential Units (ARU's) As you know, I am not in agreement with the elimination of all ARU’s from the Comp. Plan. My thoughts...
Light Industrial & Commercial Zoning & ARU's
Where to Locate additional Light Industrial Zoning Northern South Park. Connect to existing Gregory Lane indusrial zone across High...
Comprehensive Plan- General Instructions
1. First of all, we need to decisively quantify the total number of dwelling units currently allowed in each of the Districts...